
Hello there! I’m Sally: coder by day, food fanatic all of the time and, most relevantly, creator of this blog.

this food blog

I created this space to share recipes that highlight seasonal ingredients and are made from scratch wherever possible. These tasty recipes range from savory dishes to sweet treats and include meals you can whip up everyday and longer format recipes that allow you to enjoy the process during the weekend. Often you will see recipes evolved from my childhood favorites and comfort foods.

You may also notice that this isn’t a traditional food blog in the writing style. My POV is that the food, photos and recipes are the most important and therefore I only include a small intro blurb before each recipe. Feel free to contact me directly or a leave a comment if you’d like any additional context.

culinary school

I attended the French Culinary Institute (specializing in pastry) after college, but fell in love with coding after a short stint in the food industry. Even though I opted for a desk job, I still love cooking, more so than baking pastry oddly enough, and it will always be a passion of mine.

why salt and olive?

Olive was my first pup, a sassy, loving and loyal queen of a cocker spaniel; she was the OG, my ride or die. Sadly, she passed away earlier this year. She was the best co-pilot I could have ever ask for, usually waiting for something to drop on the floor in the kitchen or sleeping with her tongue out.

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